Emerson on the Web

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Points of view :
A view on R. W. Emerson , by R.H. Albright
East meets West, Oriental Seeds in Occidental Soil , by Swami B. G. Narasingha and Satyaraja dasa (Steven Rosen)

Works :
Works of R. W. Emerson (Eris Project, Virginia Tech)
Electronic Archive of Selected Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson on Nature (Environmental Ethics, Harvard University)

Quotations :
Emerson quotes ("The Quote Board").
R. W. Emerson : Quotes to inspire (Cybernation).
R. W. Emerson : from John Bartlett's (1820-1905) Familiar quotations, (Columbia University).

American Transcendentalism web sites:
Transcendentalists, the Transcendentalists web site, by Jone Johnson Lewis. This site provides both original content and links to other material on the internet.
American Transcendentalism Web, by Ann M. Woodlief

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Books on the Web: I have created this page in order to make it easy to purchase books which are mentioned in my Hypertextual Guide. For your convenience, I have linked each of those books (on and by Emerson and about American Transcendentalism) to Amazon.com, one of the Internet's largest bookstores.

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